
Bedsores in Conyers Nursing Homes

Georgia Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse Lawyers

Bedsores are a serious and often preventable medical condition that can result from neglect or abuse in healthcare settings. They are sometimes called pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers. At Dan Chapman & Associates we understand the pain and suffering caused by bedsores. We are here to help you understand bedsores better and to seek justice when they are a result of abuse or neglect.

What are Bedsores?

Bedsores are injuries to the skin and tissues caused by prolonged pressure to a specific area. They commonly occur in areas where bones are close to the skin, such as the back, hips, heels, and elbows. Individuals who are bedridden, wheelchair-bound, or have limited mobility are particularly at risk for developing a bedsore.

If you suspect your loved one is suffering from bedsores due to neglect or abuse at a Conyers nursing home or other long-term care facility, please contact us for a free case evaluation or call us at 678-242-6727

What Causes Bedsores?

Bedsores occur when blood flow to the skin is cut off. This can happen by continual pressure from a firm surface like a bed, a chair, or a wheelchair. Below are examples of circumstances that may lead to bedsores:

  • Being bedridden
  • Using a wheelchair
  • Diseases such as Dementia or Alzheimer’s
  • Malnourishment or dehydration
  • Sedation
  • Diabetes
  • Incontinence
  • Poorly fit prosthetics

Stages and Symptoms of Bedsores

Bedsores have four stages:

Stage 1: There is no open wound, but the skin may be red or discolored. It may feel warm or spongy to the touch.

Stage 2: The skin breaks open, forming a shallow ulcer. It may look like a blister or tear in the skin.

Stage 3: The ulcer deepens, exposing underlying tissue such as fat. The wound may resemble a crater.

Stage 4: The ulcer extends through all layers of skin, exposing muscle, bone, or tendons. This stage often involves severe tissue damage and is at risk of serious infection.

Symptoms of bedsores include red, swollen, or discolored skin, changes in skin texture, warmth or coolness around the affected area, and drainage or pus-like discharge.

What Should Nursing Homes Be Doing to Prevent Bedsores?

Preventing bedsores is key. Measures such as regularly repositioning bedridden or immobile individuals, keeping skin clean and dry, using support surfaces like cushions or mattresses, and ensuring proper nutrition and hydration can help reduce the risk of bedsores.

Chronic understaffing in nursing home facilities prevents nurses and other caregivers from being able to properly care for residents and give them the attention they need. Residents in Conyers nursing homes should be evaluated under The Braden Scale or Norton Scale. Professionals use these scales to determine who is at risk for developing bedsores and measure things like skin moisture, nutrition, physical activity, and the ability of a resident to control their body position. Conyers nursing home residents who score a 12 or lower on the Braden Scale are considered at considerable risk for developing bedsores.

Preventive Measures may include:

  • Using the Braden Scale or Norton Scale to evaluate residents.
  • Proper staffing.
  • Training for nurses, caregivers, and other staff.
  • Frequently adjusting residents who are in a wheelchair.
  • Frequently adjusting a resident’s position while they are in bed or sitting.
  • Practicing good hygiene like frequently bathing residents, drying them quickly, and applying lotions to keep skin soft.
  • Providing residents with healthy food and plenty of water.

Treatment for bedsores involves relieving pressure on the affected area, keeping the wound clean, and addressing any underlying medical conditions. In severe cases, surgery or specialized wound care may be necessary.

How to Treat a Bedsore

If a resident is diagnosed with a bedsore, it is the facility’s responsibility to treat it. Some examples of treatment may include:

  • Keeping the bedsore clean.
  • Changing bandages frequently.
  • Applying or administering prescribed medications.
  • Treating pain as needed.
  • Continually adjusting a resident’s position.
  • Surgical intervention if needed.

Are Bedsores a Result of Abuse or Neglect?

The short answer to this question is – sometimes.

While not every case of bedsores is a result of abuse or neglect, they should not be dismissed. Bedsores are often indicative of neglect or abuse in healthcare settings. When caregivers fail to provide adequate care, such as repositioning immobile patients or providing proper hygiene and nutrition, bedsores can develop and worsen. These deviations from the standard of care constitute negligence and may warrant legal action.

Deviations from the standard of care include:

  • An understaffed facility.
  • Failure to adequately treat a bedsore.
  • Failure to properly scale a bedsore.
  • Failure to modify a plan of care when a bedsore develops.

Seek Justice with Dan Chapman & Associates

If your loved one has suffered from bedsores due to neglect or abuse, they deserve justice. Our experienced team at Dan Chapman & Associates is dedicated to advocating for the rights of victims and holding responsible parties accountable. We understand the complexities of bedsore cases and will fight tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today for a confidential consultation or call us at 678-831-8875. Your voice deserves to be heard. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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